We know it’s not easy to build an audience and get more sales.
Get our podcast growth package to step into the high-growth business world.
Acquire more customers,
increase demand,
and generate more engagement.
Podcast shows always looking for new guests and experts. With regular interviews you’ll have a reliable and repeatable growth.
Establish authority and increase trust in your niche. We’ll work on opportunities to find you the most relevant shows and hosts.
Podcast interviews will generate instant traffic and quality leads and give your business a healthy growth.
We’ll help you to find your target audience
and build more brand awareness with interviews.
4 steps to kick-start
your Podcast growth
Gary Vaynerchuk CEO of Vaynermedia
"Podcasts are winning!"
Neil Patel
Co-Founder at Neil Patel Digital
"By expanding your reach into the world of podcasting, you can reach new individuals and dip into a new form of content."
Noemi Co-Owner
Noemi is the Co-Owner of Podcast Connections. She started to work in the online marketing field back in 2007. Noemi is a linguist, content creator and she will make sure that only quality pitches get sent out on your behalf .
Founder and Co-Owner
Gabor is the founder and Co-Owner of Podcast Connections. He had been doing online marketing since 2008. Gabor is dedicated to help experts to grow their business with interviews.
about us
We'll coordinate a convenient time for you to be interviewed based on your calendar.
Schedule the Interviews
We’ll take care of all communications with the hosts.
Communication with hosts
A dedicated account manager works closely with you to ensure the quality of the service.